What's the purpose of AVLarts.com?
AVLarts.com promotes the visual arts in Asheville by featuring local artists, galleries and art resources.
How do I get listed?
AVLarts.com is designed to be a valuable community resource. If you have any suggestions to make this website better, please contact me. Specifically, if you have a recommendation for an artist or gallery to be added to one of the the directories please send me information. (Note: submission does not guarantee listing.) By the way, there is never a charge for being listed on the Artist Directory or Gallery Directory of AVLarts.com. And yes, you are welcome to suggest yourself, your gallery or your resource.
Suggest an Artist | Suggest a Gallery | Suggest an Art Resource
Can I get listed if I'm outside of Asheville?
Artists are considered to be listed if they live, work or show in Asheville. In other words, if they are in some way part of the Asheville arts community. Galleries and events are considered if they are in Buncombe County or surrounding counties, including Henderson, Polk, Transylvania, Haywood, Madison, Yancy, McDowell and Rutherford — basically within an hour drive of Asheville.
Who's behind it all?
My name is Brennen McElhaney. I'm the creator of AVLarts.com and solely responsible for its content.
I'm also a portrait and landscape artist. I To see my artwork and read about me visit BMcElhaney.com.
Additional information can be found at: Contact | Press Room | Credits
This website focuses on visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramic, glass, photography, mixed media, etc.). There are many other websites that feature other types of attractions in Western North Carolina. Click here for a handy list of Asheville / WNC Visitor Guides.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please email me at art@avlarts.com.
AVLarts.com is a privately owned and privately curated website and is not under the direction of any business, gallery or organization.